When visiting Istanbul, you may notice lots of different things, from the sheer amount of places to visit, to a variety of activities to enjoy. In addition to those kinds of things, you may also find out that there are many cats in Istanbul and wonder if this city is famous for its cats. So, is Istanbul famous for cats?
There are many things that Istanbul is known for. These include the parts of this city, such as the Bosphorus, various touristic places, its local cuisine and so on… Among those parts of this city, we can also discuss the cats in Istanbul, too. Simply put, along with many other things, Istanbul is also known for the cats in this city. Therefore on an Istanbul trip, you may come across many cats as Istanbul is one of the cities in the world with a high stray cat population.
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Is Istanbul Famous for Cats? Are There Lots of Cats in Istanbul?

When tourists visit Istanbul, they can do a variety of enjoyable activities, like going to historical places in the city, getting some fresh air in various natural places, as well as exploring the streets of Istanbul. Whether you are eating some delicious meal at a restaurant in this city or walking on the colorful back streets of Istanbul, you may come across lots of cats and wonder: is Istanbul famous for cats?
Istanbul is seen by many as a cat friendly city and there are lots of cats in this city. It is thought that there are over 100 thousand stray cats in Istanbul. Also when you check out photos and videos of stray cats in Istanbul, it is possible to find a lot of content about this. Istanbul, among many other things, is a city that is famous for its cats.
What City is Famous for Its Cats?

The short answer to the question: “is Istanbul famous for cats?”, is surely a yes. There are lots of cats in Istanbul and one of the iconic and famous parts of this city is its cats. Aside from Istanbul, there are other cities in the world with a high stray cat population. Many other cities in Turkey like Izmir and Ankara can be among the examples of this, as well.
Other than Turkey, there are other countries with a high population of stray cats. As it is thought that there are around 30 million stray cats in India, India is definitely among those countries. In addition to India, other countries with a high amount of stray cats include places such as the United States, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, China, Russia, Indonesia and many others.
Why is Istanbul Famous for Cats?

If you have been asking “is Istanbul famous for cats?”, well, the answer is yes, Istanbul is a city that is famous for its stray cats. But why is Istanbul famous for cats? One of the reasons behind this is the fact that there are lots of stray cats in this city. Due to the sheer amount of stray cats in Istanbul, many people may come across them on a tour of this city.
Although the stray cats in Turkey are still struggling with lots of problems, people in Turkey generally love cats and many try to care for them. For this reason, when walking on the streets of some cities in Turkey, you may see water and cat food put in some corners for the strays. One of the stereotypes about the cats in Istanbul that they seen as relaxed, bossy and confident.
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Why are Cats So Popular in Istanbul? Why Do the Locals Seem to Love the Cats So Much?

When it comes to the cats in Istanbul, along with “is Istanbul famous for cats?”, you may also be wondering the answer to the question: “why are cats so popular in Istanbul?”. With a population of over 100 thousand, there are lots of stray cats in Istanbul, and they are loved by many. Cats are quite popular in Istanbul and many of the locals like them very much.
One of the reasons why cats are popular in Istanbul can be that cats tend to be popular regardless of location. Many people love our feline friends, as they are cute and possess many virtuous characteristics such as mental toughness, assertiveness, independence, curiousity and so on… Cats are beautiful animals that are worthy of admiration and love, as well as protection, care and help.
Are Cats Treated Well in Istanbul? How are Stray Cats Treated in Istanbul?

Aside from “is Istanbul famous for cats?”, you may also be curious to know if stray cats are treated well in this city. The answer to this question can be complex, as there are both good people who love animals in Istanbul, and evil people who treat them badly.
Regardless of where they are in the world, stray cats and feral cats have numerous problems to deal with. Examples to this can include issues such as hunger, thirst and cold. Moreover, some people may try to hurt them. These are also the case for the stray cats in Istanbul. So despite there is a naive and unrealistic thought about cats in Istanbul being treated in the best manner, unfortunately this is not always the case.
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Are Stray Cats in Turkey Safe?

If you are a cat lover and planning to visit Istanbul, you may be wondering “is Istanbul famous for cats?”. Also, you may be asking if the stray cats in Turkey safe, as well. Just like the answer we gave in the previous section of this blog post, the answer to this question is complicated, too. Because there are many factors to take into account.
All pets deserve a loving and caring home, where they are safe and cared for. But unfortunately, stray cats, by definition, don’t have this and this is a significant issue. In terms of safety, they may have many problems, from the lack of food and being exposed to cold, along with dangerous people. Therefore, while some stray cats in Turkey may be living relatively safe lives, there are still problems they face and some really struggle.
Can You Pet the Cats in Istanbul?

Since the answer to the question: “is Istanbul famous for cats?” is yes, you can come across many cats on your Istanbul trip. In this case, an important question would be whether it is safe to pet the cats in Istanbul or not.
There are many health problems that can spread from cats to humans. As you may not be sure about the medical status of a stray cat, it can be smart to be cautious about petting them. Especially if you get scratched or bitten by a stray cat, whether it is in Turkey or somewhere else, make sure to contact your doctor, get info and take the necessary precautions. Also other types of contact, like petting them or contact with feces or saliva can have some risks, too.
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Why Do Cats Seem to Be Treated So Well in Turkey?

Why is Istanbul famous for cats? One of the reasons for this, aside from the other reasons we already discussed, can be that many cats in Istanbul seem to be treated so well. Although many cats in Turkey struggle, there are also numerous cats who are chill, happy, well-fed and taken care of in this country.
Loving cats and wanting to care for them is a very common sentiment among people, in many cultures. Also, many Turkish people are social and caring, and some extend these feelings towards our feline friends. Another reason behind the love that many Turks have for cats is Islam, as cats are seen as clean and admirable animals in Islam.
How to Help the Cats in Istanbul? Can I Bring a Cat from Turkey?

Regarding the stray cats in Istanbul, you may have various questions, such as “is Istanbul famous for cats?” and “why is Istanbul famous for cats?”. You may also be wondering what can be done to help those animals and if you can get a stray cat from Turkey.
In order to help stray cats in Turkey, an important step is creating awareness about this topic and realizing that despite the popular view, stray cats in Turkey tend to live difficult lives full of hardship. Also, supporting them with food, water and a warm shelter, especially during winter, can be good ideas. As long as all legal and practical requirements are met and the cat can travel in a safe and comfortable way, it is possible to bring a cat from Turkey to many other countries.
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Why is Istanbul Famous for Cats? – Final Words

If you have come across stray cats in Istanbul or seen funny online videos of cats in this city, you may have been wondering: is Istanbul famous for cats? Well, Istanbul is a city famous for its stray cats. Regarding this topic, it is important to remember that regardless of where they are, stray animals, wildlife and nature is worth protecting and caring for.