When going to a city for vacation, you may have many questions about that place. This can also be the case for Istanbul and you may be wondering many things about this wonderful city. For instance you may be asking: “is Istanbul safe to visit?”.
Istanbul is generally considered a fairly safe city for visitors and expats. However, people visiting or living in this city may fall victim to various crimes, such as scams, theft and pickpocketing. So, if Istanbul is a place that you are planning to go to, remember to be cautious about this possibility.
Is Istanbul safe to visit for tourists?
Picking a city to visit for vacation can be difficult since you may consider many factors when doing this. For example, safety can be among important concerns. There are many awesome cities to visit in Europe and Istanbul is one of them, without a doubt. However, is Istanbul safe to visit for tourists or not?
Just like any other city in the world, falling victim to a crime is possible for tourists in Istanbul. But in general, this city is considered to be a fairly safe city for visitors. On IstanbulJoy, we have a blog post about safety of visiting Istanbul and you can access it by clicking here.