Do you want to visit Istanbul someday? If so, you may be asking various questions about this city, like: “do people speak English well in Istanbul?”, since communication can be important when in a foreign country. So, can you speak English in Istanbul?

While it is possible to find people who can speak English in Istanbul, you would likely not be able to communicate easily with most of the people in this city by speaking English only. Because English proficiency in Turkey is quite low. So if you are travelling to Istanbul, or some other city in Turkey, it can be helpful to speak some Turkish.

Can you speak English in Istanbul or do you need to know the local language?

Istanbul can be an awesome city to visit, but you may be wondering if language barrier would be an issue here or not. So, can you speak English in Istanbul or would it be useful to speak the local majority language?

Of course, it can be possible to speak to many people in English in Istanbul. However, a lot of people in this city wouldn’t be able to understand English. Therefore, if you want to visit Istanbul and speak with people here, learning some Turkish can certainly be helpful.
